Monday, December 19, 2011

week 9: It's beginning to look a lot like christmas!

dear my amazing familhee,

i have so many things that i want to tell you but just not enough time to write it all out hahaha but since we like lists, i'll just list them out!

1. first off jeehee congrats on the 4.0. no biggie for you right? :P and the great score on your ochem final! gahhh hopefully i'll be as motivated in school as you when i get back lol also, i'm so excited that you got your camera!!!! email me pictures, yes?? haha and i'm so glad your schedule worked out the way you wanted it to! i know you hate uncertainty lol and tell max i said thanks for being awesome :D how's hole-digging? bahahaha and i had no idea ee mo had a girl hahahaha i love our family! tell her congrats from me!

2. not sure on when i'm going to korea! i haven't heard anything! but i want to spend christmas here with people i've gotten to know and love so i hope it's not in the next week haha! but we can talk more about that when i CALL HOME THIS SUNDAY! which brings me to the next point lol

3. so i get to call home Sunday 3:30pm my time so 2:30 california time. i hope that works! can't wait to talk to you all :D

4. i heard from leashh!!! thank you thank youuu! i can't believe you're home leash!!! i want to send you a christmas card so email me your address, kay??!! i'll write more in a letter cuz we're all leaving for the store in a minute :P sa rang hae balgan mori! haha

4. so on saturday, we had our mission christmas devotional and guess who was there: ELDER AND SISTER OAKS! it was awesome! we all got to shake their hands, one by one (like in 3 nephi!) and it was so coool! you know how there are people who just "beam?" i didn't quite get that but i get it now seeing Elder and Sister Oaks! i want to be like thattttt! that's my new goal. to BEAM because of the gospel in my life :) so the sister missionaries got to sit up real close to the pulpit (so i was in row 3 of the chapel) and so the sisters got to shake his hand first and then i got to see everyone else shake his hand and it was the coolest thing; with one hand shake and hello, his light just transferred to each one of the people that shook his hand. CRAZY HUH? so everyone walked away with a huge smile! it was real neat. and it's a mission tradition to sing silent night in all the languages represented in the mission so groups of people got up to sing it in their languages so my companions learned it in korean throughout the week and we sang it there and it went really well! all the other groups were really big but ours was just us three so we put harmony into it and it sounded pretty! and elder Oaks whispered to us "well done!" after we finished! haha it was such a neat experience!

5. so the Oaks spoke to us for like an hour and it was great! Something i really liked was the phrase sister Oaks put on bookmarks that she made us! it says "OBEDIENCE is the price. FAITH is the power. LOVE is the motive. the SPIRIT is the key. CHRIST is the reason." it made me think about what we are all doing in this life! we are trying to progress and become better so we can live in eternal happiness with Heavenly Father! i'm so grateful for this knowledge! 

6. love you all. merry christmas. 


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