Tuesday, July 24, 2012

week 39: hello again :)

wow i can't believe it's getting so close to your wedding day! i'm so excited for you jee :P anyway, it's been another rainy week but we've had some cool things happen.

so first the bad news: the lady who is getting baptized wasn't able to make it to church this past sunday :( it's always sad when the time ticks closer to church starting and the one person you really want to see at church isn't there! and every time the back door opened, we kept hoping that the person coming in late her but it wasn't. so she probably won't get baptized til next month which is next transfer. but it's okay! at least she is still doing well and still making progress! oh and she found another job! yay! she was really worried about that but when she put her faith in God and she went out and did everything she could to find a new job, everything worked out for her. so that was a blessing :)

but for good news: on thursday, we were streetboarding and it was SO hot. like really really hot. but not cuz the sun was pounding on us (which it was) but because it was so unbelievably humid!!!! so trying to talk to the number of people we wanted to was really hard. but the 2nd to last person we talked to was this girl and she just kept looking back at us because sister hill is american lol and so we said hi in english and that usually turns people away but she came up to us and started talking to us! and she was carrying a bag of 야쿠르트 and she
gave us some cuz she wanted us to have something cool to drink in the crazy heat! she was soooo nicee!!! so we set up an appointment and we met her on friday! when we met, she was a little hesitant in learning about the gospel cuz she had mainly english interest. but she told us that she was atheist and then her friend wanted her to come to their church for years but then a few weeks ago, she finally started opening her mind to church! and ta da! enter missionaries! :D so we don't know how it's going to go cuz she seemed a little hesitant; we are hopeful! yay for miracles that happen even when it's hot and sticky :P

anyway, the other cool thing was that elder choi yoon hwan (최윤환 장로님) came to our ward this past Sunday because 금천 is their homeward! so we got to hear from him and his wife and it was great!

gah i'm running out of time but the spiritual thought of the week comes from President Uchtdorf: "Love is the measure of our faith, the inspiration for our obedience, and the true altitude of our discipleship." wa bam. so true. so i'm working on showing more faith by loving more :)

have a great week!
sister cho

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