Monday, September 3, 2012

week 46: life is good

hello family and friends!
I don't have much time today so i just want to tell you about the baptism we had this past Saturday! It was such a miracle to say the least! We mraculously finished all the lessons this past week and the coolest thing was that every time we met, she already had talked to her husband about the topic for the day the night before--even though we hadn't told her what we'd be talking about! So she understood everything and actually shared several experiences dealing with the topics that i was able to learn from and be strengthened through! SHE IS SOLID. Sister Kim and I were just so happy for the couple :D On the day of the baptism, we made chocolate cake (엄마 cake mix 잘 썼어용 ^^) and these yummy cracker things so that was fun :) and the couple was dressed in white and IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!! We all felt like we were floating on clouds in heaven; and let me tell you, it's not a bad feeling ;) On Sunday, the husband bore his testimony saying "I'm happy because God loves me. I'm happy because I have a wonderful wife who is the love of my life. And I'm happy because that love of my life just got baptized yesterday." The spirit was soooo strong! gahhh what more can i say than that there has to be a God who loves us and who is working real hard and is doing everything He can for us to be happy!!
A thought I want to leave with you: I've been continuing my studies in the Book of Mormon in Helaman and I've realized how important it is to REMEMBER; remember what we've been taught, the cousel we have been given, and the miracles that we see. Helaman's sons Nephi and Lehi remember what their names mean, they remember the counsel their father gave them, and they remember the words of King Benjamin. From remembering these important things, they gain more strength and motivation to go out and do missionary work amongst the people who are getting more and more wicked. Helaman 5:14 says, " and they did remember his words; and therefore they went forth, keeping the commandments of God, to teach the word of God among all the peole of Nephi..." How neat is that? and it all stemmed from remembering! we all have been SO SO BLESSED with parents and church leaders who teach us the gospel, we receive counsel from our living prophet, and we too see miracles in our lives. and guess what? we too can go about doing good like Nephi and Lehi as we REMEMBER.
Love you all. Have a great week :)
Sister Cho
we had a sisters' conference so these are our amazing sisters of the Seoul Korea Mission :)
and of course the newest member of Hongje Ward :D

1 comment:

  1. hello, I need some information on this ward if it's possible.. do you still run this site ???
