Monday, October 8, 2012

week 51: Hello from a Happy Missionary!

dear people i love-

first of all: JEEHEE HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! :D love you so so much sister! you are such a big blessing in my life (as well as a host of other people's lives!) so keep being great; maybe i'll catch up someday! oh and your pictures from last week and your wedding are SO CUTE!!! gahhh! (i don't look so bad as a cardboard cut out ;)

and we watch conference this coming week because we get the DVDs! but i can't believe they changed the age for missionaries! awesomeee!!

So I don't know why the last email didn't get through last week! but yay! you get two this week :P 

So this past week was just miracle-filled, as usual! The high light was that our little miracle investigator, the 12 year old we met on the street came to church yesterday! YAY!!! and guess what the best part is? SHE CAME AND STAYED TIL 12:50PM EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS HAVING HER BIRTHDAY PARTY AT 1PM! She was so cute! she was like "um, would it be okay if i left 10 minutes early today?" and we said if she had to go then that's fine. we asked her if she had something she had to do and she told us it's her birthday party! um, WHO DOES THAT?! that just gave her enough time to run back home! wow! we were so happy :D and during sunday school, SHE GAVE THE CLOSING PRAYER! and it gets better: and when i asked her what she learned in sunday school, she pulled out her Book of Mormon and said, " we learned about prayer in 3 Nephi 13:6-7." SHE REMEMBERED THE REFERENCE! GAHHHH! she's so great :D we are worried because she is worried about what her mom will say about her being baptized, but we're going to prayerfully figure out how we can meet her mom and we're going to really study out what we should say ("obtain the word" first!) anyway, we are SO SO happy that we get to see her progress!

Another miracle happened on Saturday. Sister Kim and I wanted to attend this musical fireside put on by a church scholarship foundation but the person we wanted to take couldn't make it :( so we were bummed that we couldn't go ㅠ ㅠ But we decided to go with our back up plan which was going to English class in 불광 now that 서대문 is combined with 신촌 and too far away from us. On our way there, we felt like we should call our investigator who was interested in learning english but she's always really busy with her two kids. but we called her anyway because we felt like we should. and she said, "oh, i'm glad you called. i was debating on whether or not i should go, but i guess i will now! where can i come pick you up?" YAY SPIRIT!!! so she just dropped what she was doing, and she came to pick us up to give us a ride there! BUT IT GETS BETTER. So while we were waiting for her to come get us, we got a call from one of our members who said she had a referral; one of her friends she just met like a few minutes ago was interested in english class so she gave us her number and asked us to call her! we did, but we weren't really expecting her to come today because English class started in 20 minutes. but she said, "oh okay, can i go today? and can i bring my 5th grade son?" WHAT?! we were so surprised! OF COURSE YOU CAN! :P So we added 3 new people to english class!!!!!!! and they really thought it was fun, and the referral lady asked us about the Book of Mormon and was really good with accepting what we explained to her! sister kim and I were like about to cry because we saw so many blessingssssss! it's so interesting that sometimes, what we plan for ourselves is not what God has planned for us. And when we try our best to do all that we can, God just shows us His plan for us (which is way better than what we plan for ourselves!) and blesses us with miracles! We heard that the musical fireside was good from the other missionaries, but we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we were supposed to go to English class today! Heavenly Father is so so amazing :D

Thought for the week: I read something in a past Liahona by Elder O. Vincent Haleck of the 70 and his father's motto was this: "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right." whatever good we are going to do, we might as well do it 100%, do it fully, and give it our all! because it is in thoroughness we find satisfaction. And that's when we show Heavenly Father our faith. and that's when we see blessings pour into our lives! 

Love you all!
sister cho

sister kim and i were at a harvest festival that they held in front of gwanghwamun and we got to make bouquets with rice plants and try on "king's clothes" lol it was so so fun! :D

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