Thursday, January 24, 2013

week 60: Happy winter


Dear people i love, 
so yep this week has been pretty cold to say the least! but it was still a fun week :D

but first jeehee: thanks for the pictures! gahhh, it was so cool to see those people that i know all in one place again but not in korea! i'm so glad elder rife's homecoming went well! man their family is just so amazing! their family has influenced so many peoples' lives; even here in Hongje, there was a lady whose daughter served a mission in Daejeon with President Rife and she just had compliments to give without end about their family! :) it's such a huge blessing that our families are closely knit :) oh and if you're wondering, like father like son, elder rife's korean is SO GOOD! in fact, i heard one missionary say "oh we are going to print this document for our zone in english and korean for the missionaries; except elder rife will get one in korean. because he's basically korean!" so true!!! :)

also mommy and daddy: 이메일 잘받았어용 ^^ 시간이 진짜 빠르게 흘러가네요! 벌써 얼마 안남았네 ㅠ ㅠ 사랑과 조원에 감사해요! 끝까지 화이팅 입니다~ ^^ oh and this past sunday was the last meeting we had at Hongje (cuz we're combing with 녹번 next week!) so past Hongje members came and there were people who knew you! like 이형근 형제님 and 최숙난 자매님! ^^ oh and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY on the 12th!! i am so grateful for your example! i remember when you started randomly talking to people at grocery stores and at pharmacies, i didn't think much of it. but that's what i'm doing all the time now and it's so much easier because i've learned that through youuuu! :D love youuu daddy!

so a cool miracle for the week: so on Friday, it was snowing and cold. but it's so cool cuz you really see miracles when you just push yourself a little bit more than what you think you can do. so we decided to go out and talk to people still instead of doing phone calls. and the first person we talked to wasn't rude but just ignored us. and then the second person we talked to, she was an 아줌마 and she didn't say much when we talked about the Book of Mormon and eternal families but when we asked if she wanted to meet us later, she unexpectedly say "yes, can you come to my house next week?" WHAT??!  wow. and she voluntarily gave us her number AND address! turns out she has the same last name as me too! (like the same chinese root too!) sister lee and i were like so so happy and grateful for that miracle :D

okay, well i've gotta go now but the thought for the day: "discipleship is the pursuit of holiness and happiness. it is the path to our best and happiest self." said President Uchtdorf! sometimes doing the right things at the right times seems a little inconvenient :P but everything that we know we need to do and become is for us to be happy :) have a great week!

love you all!
sister cho

pics: the first snow for us!
some sisters on a pday!
last hongje ward sunday!

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