Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 2: more love from sister cho :)

엄마 아빠 잘지내시죠?
요즘도 바쁘시겠군요
아빠는tapes다 잘 씻었어요?그전날밤 쓰셨겠죠?? ㅎㅎ
엄마는 요즘에도 민히 아침 싸주시나요?
민히보고 일찍 일어나서 스스로 싸라고 하세요(코딱지 만한게! 엄마보다 더 늦게 일어나!) ㅎㅎ
저는 아주 열심히 살고 있답니다~!
아침 6시반에 절대 못일어 날거라고 생각했는데 일찍 자다보니깐 일어나 지던데요?? ㅋㅋ
아이스크림도 딱 한번 밖에 안먹었고! 브라우니는 손도 대지 않았습니다~! 잘했죠??
뉴스킨 화장품 잘받았고요~! 색깔은 기억이 안나서 집에가서 체크 해보고 다음주에 메일로 보내겠습니다~!
저는 정말 이것에 대해 감사하고 있습니다. 다른 사람들의 배경을 모르고 있다가 여기 와서 새삼 부모님이 저에게 얼마나 큰 축복인지 깨달았습니다~!
제 동반자가 요즘에 피아노를 가르쳐 달라고 하더라고요~!가장 쉬운 찬송가 하나를 가르쳤는데 동반자가 정말 좋아하고 항상 연습하고싶어해요~!
엄마가 연습 하라고 하라고 했을때 연습좀 더할껄....
어쨋건~!피아노 가르쳐 주셔서 감사합니다~~~!
오늘 점심시간때 나중에 디스트릭 될사람이 내일 한국 디스트릭 옮겨야 된다고 해서 아마 내일부터는 한국말 공부만 와장창 해야 될꺼같습니다!
그러나 저는 정말 기대되요~!!
요즘에 몰몬경을 한국말로 읽고있는데 어렵지만 읽으면 읽을수록 몰몬경이 참되다는것을 느끼고있습니다.
어렸을때 가족끼리 한국말 경전 공부한 생각이 나더군요.그것에 대해 감사합니다~!.
지희 한태는 영어로 써야되니깐 나중에 더쓸께요~!사랑해요~~!~!아이 러브 유.~~!~!

So this past week has been another busy one! Where to start?!

Sister Bulouniwasa and I have been teaching our investigators (our teachers pretending to be investigators) and their names are Nathan and Emily. It's been such a great experience so far even though they are pretending! We got Nathan to pray out loud for us! Yay!!!!! It made me so happy because he's been telling us he's uncomfortable praying for like dayssss which felt like yearsss! but he changed after we told him that Heavenly Father wants to communicate with him just like his father wants to hear from him often! That was greattt! But Emily, she didn't do the reading assignment we assigned her and that just made me so sad. we were both bummed because seriously it's like ONE CHAPTER! 1 Nephi 1 is like 2.5 pages long!! and she said she was just too busy that she didn't get around to it! But it's so short and you could do it in like 15 minutes! then i realized that Heavenly Father probably is way sad when we decide to go to bed without reading even just one verse :( so i'm trying to make scripture study way more meaningful now :) anyway, it's probably weird for your to read that i'm getting so emotionally attached to these fake investigators! and yes i think it's weird too! but it's cool to see that i can develop a deep love for those who i don't even know because i want them to have what i have--the gospel of Jesus Christ which makes me happy not only in this life but for eternity! Gahh i can't wait to get out to Korea!

So i started reading the Book of Mormon in Korean and whoa it is so powerful! but it's really hard! i read it side by side with my english ones and every time i read i just get really grateful that we did korean scripture study when we were little! i remember sitting in our living room and daddy passing out the copied korean scriptures and the kids just being like "awwwww noooo not in koreannn!!" but now i'm so grateful! the gospel is so true! and heavenly father prepares each one of us for a specific purpose in life; i know that mommy and daddy stressed Korean in our home because my mission is to be a messenger of Heavenly Father to those people in korea! Wow, the plan of happiness is so perfect.

This past sunday, sister dalton came to visit us and she gave a really good message! She said when you go running, you never turn around to go back when you're in the middle of a hill. you might as well push forward and finish it rather than using that energy and time to go back to square one. it's so true. we all face things in our lives that are hard but they are opportunities for us to grow and become closer to Christ. We need to keep pushing forward because that is how we refine ourselves to be worthy of the blessings of the celestial glory!

Gahhh i have so much to say but not enough time to say it all! Just know that i love and miss you all but i'm loving the MTC and i'm excited to go out to Korea in a few weeks! Scripture of the week: Alma 37:37 "counsel with the Lord in all thydoings and he will direct thee for good..." he loves us and wants what is best for us so let us pray often! :D

-Sister Cho

ps. mommy, i've only eaten ice cream once and haven't even touched the brownies! hahaha proud?
pps. there is a group of korean missionaries here and we all get together and eat dinner and some how they have access to kimchi! haha so i've been eating rice and kimchi for the past few days! i love koreans bahahaha :D

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