Monday, March 12, 2012

week 21: hi :)

spring is just around the corner... i think... i hope... haha so yeah it's not any warmer but the sun is shining so that's good! and everyone's saying that after this week, it should feel like spring! until then, it'll be cold cuz it's what korean's call 꽃샘추이 and it's just the last bit of really really cold weather for a week or so and
then it warms up!

anyway, it's been another awesome week here in 금천 :) but first:

jeehee: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA those pictures were awesome! i may or may not have laughed out loud at the city hall place where we write emails. maybe... bahahaha!!!! tell max hi from the pro hole digger :P

minhee: you're growing up so fast! gahhh! HIGH SCHOOL CLASS REGISTRATION?!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU'RE LIKE 5! okay, you're not 5... haha but it feels like i just did that yesterday! yee! i'm so excited! you're going to do great! :D

so this week was full of stuff! we had a combined district meeting with all the missionaries in our zone (we usually have district meeting with just our district of 6 missionaries every week but this time it was bigger), we had a new missionary training with President Lee, and new investigators that we met with! It was really busy. one
thing that i am very surprised about is how long it takes to get places. the transportation system here is awesome, like the subways and buses, but trying to get to, for example, a combined district meeting in 삼본, or to 신당, for our training, takes forever! i guess i was just used to hopping in a car and getting places real soon in one smooth ride ( like no transfering subways and stuff hahaha!)

but you know what, I LOVE IT! because on the subways and buses, we get to sit by people and when we talk to them, they usually listen and talk to us because they have to cuz they're sitting next to us for the next while! 전도ing at the crosswalks is fun but people always move away from us and get closer and closer to the curb (almost in front of cars!) cuz they don't want to talk to us but people on the subways and buses at least just listen :) and conversations can last longer. so i was on the subway talking to this lady and then this grandpa kept staring at my Book of Mormon (we are required to hold one in our hands wherever we go) and the lady was super sweet but was more interested in the fact that i'm from America. but the grandpa asked if he could read my book!! So he read and asked questions along the ride and in the end, i offered him my book! he was kind of hesitant at accepting at first because i guess in korea there are a ton of people who give people things for "free" and then once they take it, they are charged like a ton of money later. But he took it in the end :D we weren't able to make an appointment with him because he gave a series of excuses but at least he has a Book of Mormon! Yay for people getting closer to the Gospel :) Anyway, so point being, i love korean transportation. i love korean people. and i love korea :D

so the highlight of my week was when we got to meet with a referral we got from the elders in our district. it was this lady who has three kids and she used to be a Jehovah's Witness because her husband was a hard core Jehovah's Witness and she liked it but she didn't like that only males could speak on the podium and other things like that so she came to church twice and fell in love with the fact that women can speak at church and also that there are a bunch of classes for everyone; like her kids can go to primary and she can go to relief society. she told us that she's going through a rough time in her marriage and she and her husband are probably going to separate :( but she wants to find out if this church is true. she said that she's okay with everything else but doesn't know much about the Book of Mormon. She said that when she finds out the Book of Mormon is true, she will know that this church is true. and yes, she came to this conclusion by herself! WOW huh? so we're going to meet with her every week and study english for 30 minutes and share our message for 30 minutes (it's called the 30/30 program!).

She is so desperately looking for the truth. What a blessing it is for us to have been born in the Gospel! We don't have to look for it because we have it already. Now we just have to fully apply it in our lives and share it with others :) let us hold up our light, which is Christ (3nephi 18:24)!! have a fabulous week! love you!

-Sister Cho

ps. That little girl whose hair i braided, SHE'S ON DATE FOR BAPTISM on the 31st of March!!! YEEEEEEEEEE!!! :D

the missionaries put on a spring youth activity with a bunch of relays and games so that the youth could bring their friends! it turned out great :)

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