Monday, March 26, 2012

week 23: yay it's kind of spring

yay the weather is starting to warm up! :D it's still kinda chilly. but it's better than what it was at the beginning of this month!

so this past week was awesome. we met with our investigators and it's getting really clear as to who is progressing and who is not. Turns out that the Jehovah's Witness lady has been walking a long ways each time she meets with us because the church is super far from her house! and she always carries her baby on her back (어부바) which makes it even harder for her to come meet with us but she does anyway because she's that curious about learning more about the church! last time, it was raining and she still came :) hopefully we can get through all the lessons soon! she's so great!

we also met a new investigator and cool story: turns out her sister started meeting with the missionaries doing the 30 minutes of english and 30 minutes of gospel message program in 일산 which is i think where elder rife is serving if i'm not mistaken :P and then her sister told her about the missionaries and so we got her info and we just started teaching her! and she's soooo awesome! she's in her 30s but she looks like 25! and she's real nice and open. hopefully we'll be able to see her and her sister find the gospel because i know going to church with my sisters was such a HUGE blessing for me. (because you two are the bestestttt! :D)

we ended the week with a Relief Society birthday party thing that the stake put on and each of the relief societies did a little musical number/mini skit thing and our relief society asked us to participate. our theme was something along the lines of everyone has different talents and everyone is 잘났어 in their own way but if we come together as a relief society, we can really help establish His kingdom here. cute huh? so everyone got up and "showed off their unique talents" in a humorous way. like there were two ladies who played tamborins (sp?) and another who played the harmonica and another who played a children's toy zylophone (sp?) and sister park played a funny tune on the ukulele and yes daddy, i played the guitar. yes. with the 3 chords i know. i played the song "zzan ttoki" which is daddy's 엽기 version of "산토끼 토끼야." bahahahaha yes, everyone thought it was hilarious so thank you daddy :D i'll have to show you a 동영상 after the mish :) so yes, i 망가져 a little but it was so fun!!! i love our relief society. and i love relief society in general. and i love church. in a nutshell, i love this gospel. yeee!

anyway, we get transfer calls tonight but i'm pretty sure i'm staying but i'll probably get a new companion! i'll miss sister park, she's great. we're planning on holding 민지's baptism this saturday so i'll have to send sister park pictures wherever she goes :)

hope all is well at home! thanks for writing jee! i'm so glad we'll be able to TA together later!!! yeeee! keep being amazing. i'm studying the story of abinadi and it's so cool how even though it seemed like no one was listening (and yes, king noah and his friends were listening but definitely had hard hearts), alma was listening! and through alma, SO MANY PEOPLE came to know the gospel. so keep being your awesome self (you don't need to be perfect because we can be perfected in Christ! but just try your best!! phew good thing cuz i'm far from perfect :P) no matter who is looking or who is not looking because that's a form of missionary work! love love love you!!!!

-sister cho

1. sister park and i each got a box of 40 Books of Mormon and we
didn't order them! so we had to carry them up to our apartment and our
arms hurt so bad! :P
2. we taught english class on saturday and these are our class rules!
cute huh? sister park made the sign :)
3. the relief society activity decorations- super cute huh?! and our
relief society! gahh i love themmmm!
5. oh i forgot to tell you that each missionary when they get here has
to pass off meaning they have to meet with their district leader and
zone leaders and the APs to pass off their language and teaching
skills using the guidelines in this little pass off book. and i passed
off a few weeks ago but i forgot to tell you :P

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