Monday, May 7, 2012

week 29: Happy summer everyone :)

so this week has gone by way too fast! here are just a few highlights :)

1. so the saddest thing everrr happened this week: our investigator from vietnam has her life controlled by her korean in laws and once she told them that she was learning english from missionaries of our church, they stopped her from coming! it was sad cuz i called to remind her about our appointment and this lady who did not sound like her pretended to be her and said she can't meet any more. and when i asked if it was her she said "uh.. no. but i'm family. and she can't meet with you anymore because... she doesn't have time." so sister hill and i ate some milk and chocolate chip cookies that our office couple missionaries brought us (for cleaning checks) and then erased her name from our board! but it's okay, cuz she at least knows of our church now :)

2. it was children's day (and 이모's birthday too! happy birthday 이모! ^^) so literally everyone was gone doing fun things on saturday! so our english class had like no one there but a new kid came so it was kind of awkward because there was like no one else there :/ but hopefully he thinks about it positively and says to himself, "wow, there are so many teachers all here to help ME!" :P hopefully he comes next week! if there's one thing i've learned so far, it's that awkward is the new awesome. it's only awkward if you make it awkward. okay. well maybe 전도ing to a lady in a public park who has a dog with braided and orange-dyed hair (costed 40 dollars to do the dog's hair apparently...) and who starts singing an old korean song to us because she used to be a lead singer in a gospel choir--maybe that's a tad bit awkward. bahaha ;)

3. thought for the week: the formula for being happy is outlined in mosiah 12:9-12 which i think applies to everyone because EVERYONE wants to be happy! king benjamin talks about how we need to do these three things to be happy: have faith in God, repent (or in other words change anything that is not Christlike!), and be humble (so that we can endure to the end!)! it's so cool that the message has been the same FOREVER. cuz God is consistent :)

4. Love you all!

sister cho

our trip to 경복궁 last pday! :) sister hill and i knocked(가가호호-ed) some ancient doors :D

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