Monday, May 14, 2012

week 30: happy mother's day!

i know i just got off the phone with you but i feel like it went by all too fast!! so here are just a few things that happened this past week that i didn't tell you on the phone :)

1. so hugest miracle ever, ready?! (details added for leash :P) so a few weeks ago, during nightly planning, sis Hill and i were thinking of people to visit the next day and thought of this less active lady who lives a little bit away from us in 관악 and she doesn't really like us coming over when her husband is there or when her kids are there because the husband doesn't want to go back to church and the kids don't have interest in going to church. so we figured we could call and see if she had just a few minutes for us to drop off a message card that we made. so we called and at first she was like "well, i don't have any time sorry." and then we said we just wanted to see her for like 10 minutes to drop off a card we made her. so then she said "well, you can come in the morning then cuz that's when my family's gone." but that's when we have studies and we could have gotten permission to go if we wanted to but i felt like we should try to suggest another time. i was expecting her to just say that she didn't have any other time but i felt like i should ask anyway. and guess what! she said she had a few minutes at 3 pm! so we went to go visit her and we had a ton of travel complications because the subway wouldn't come and then we got off at the wrong station and then we didn't know if the bus would be faster than trying to get back on the subway and it was like 2:55! but sis hill felt like the bus would be faster so we went with that instinct and she was right!!! we got there at 3:05 and the lady was sending her daughter to 학원 RIGHT THEN! like the little girl was literally getting her bag and putting on her shoes! the lady was a little hesitant in having the daughter meet with us because she's super shy. but we were able to say hi to the daughter and i had a chocolate bar in my backpack so i gave that to her and she left. we met her for all of 5 minutes. BUT GUESS WHAT?!!! this past tuesday, we got a phone call from the lady--which in itself is a miracle that she's going out of her way to talk to missionaries!-- and she said "well, after you sisters left, my daughter asked me if those missionaries are ever going to come back! so i was wondering if you sisters had time to come and see my daughter!" she sounded so excited on the phone because her daughter is usually really shy so she herself was surprised that the daughter wanted to see us again! OKAY PAUSE. let's think about how awesome this is. we saw her for all of 5 minutes. but you know what can work miracles in 5 minutes? nope you're wrong, it wasn't the chocolate, people! (though i do love chocolate :) THE SPIRIT! THE SPIRIT CAN WORK MIRACLES IN 5 MINUTES! cool yeah? :) so we met her and she was excited and laughing and didn't want to go to  학원! we shared our message about all of us being daughters of God, and when the time came for her to go, she pulled out another game and wanted to play with us! her mom was surprised too! so we told her we can play next time and her mom said that was okay. YAY FOR NEXT TIMES!!!! YAY FOR RETURN APPOINTMENTS!!! YAY FOR THE SPIRIT. :D she has a cold this week but her mom says hopefully she can get better andwe can meet again this week :)

2. everytime i 전도, i am always reminded of president uchtdorf's stop judging talk from conference cuz there are times when i look at people and i say "well, that person looks like they are well off and they wouldn't listen." and there are people who LOOK mean and LOOK like they wouldn't want to take our cards. but everytime that happens, i go out of my way to talk to THOSE SPECIFIC PEOPLE that i have those thoughts about. because that's just the adversary doing his thing. and sometimes they are mean and sometimes they don't take our cards. but SOMETIMES THEY ARE SO NICE AND THEY DO TAKE OUR CARDS. there was this lady/ 아줌마 who looked like she was ignoring us and was trying to look busy on her phone and then we talked to her and turns out she lived next to our church a while back and genuinely started asking questions like if we're christian, what time church is, and if we go to church on saturdays too! then her bus came but she pulled out her phone and ASKED FOR OUR NUMBER! AND GAVE US HERS TOO! and the best part is that as she was getting on the bus she yelled "I GET TEXTS TOO SO YOU CAN TEXT ME WHENEVER! BYE! :D" i love 전도ing :)

3. i'm doing great and i love being a missionary. because there is this awesome spirit about missionary work! and YOU CAN HAVE IT TOO! because you can do missionary work :) there are people being prepared by the Lord to hear from you. when Alma and Amulek first encountered Zeezrom, Zeezrom really didn't have any interest in the church (alma 11). but the Lord prepared him to receive the truth and later, Alma and Amulek were able to teach him and baptize him yay! (alma 15) there are people around you being prepared! i hope and pray you and I will have the courage to open our mouths and introduce the beautiful gospel to everyone! worst case senario is that they say "no i don't want your mormon book" right? and even then, at least they'll know how important the book is to you for you to even offer it to them :) it's a win win situation. because you always win if you're on God's side :)

4. congrats jee!! i'm so happy for you!!!! the ring is beautiful!!!!! and congrats minhee on all A's all throughout middle school and on being a lanturn festival princess! you're the best!

5. and ps. i have a tan on my feet. not as bad as yours jee from jerusalem but still bad! and it's only may :P but i love this work. and i love korea. and i love you all! have a great week!

sister cho

pictures: some fellow missionaries (some are my mtc 동기!) we met on pday at 영등포!

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