Friday, May 15, 2015

week 74: Happy Spring :D


Dear People I Love,

two big miracles for the week, ready?

1. So the weather is warmer! yay :) huge miracle :P

2. Our companionship has been trying our best to find people to teach in this area; we've met a lot of super awesome people (like a sign language translator! cool huh?) but there hasn't been very many people we could consistently teach--until this week! we met several really great people who want to continue to meet yay! and one of them was a referral from a member:

So there is a member in our ward who is friends with a cute girl our age who got in to the BYU Hawaii piano program--but she's not a member! So that's where we enter the picture, right? The member was so awesome because she set up an appointment for us at her house and even prepared dinner for us too! boy, she's awesome to say the least :) so last wednesday was the first time we met this sweet girl, right? but while we were preparing to meet her, we felt that she's ready to be baptized! (she's known this member and her family for a long time and her aunt is actually a member too!) So we prayed about it and decided to set a date for her baptism that we felt she would be prepared by. So we went to the appointment and, oh my goodness, she just seemed like a member already! Having our prepared thoughts confirmed, we taught the first lesson (and it was so spiritual; sister arthur described the first vision in korean and it was beautiful! :D) and sister 구 invited her to be baptized. andddddd yep, she said yes! :D we are so excited for her!!!!!!!!!! she said the closing prayer and she was like, "Heavenly Father, i don't know everything at this point but please help me to understand well and learn little by little as we meet to be prepared." We basically felt like we floated home because we were so happy for her! :D

Among the various things I learned from this experience, I think two points stand out the most to me. First, as I've continuously seen on my mission, the Lord doesn't ask us to be perfect; doing our best brings blessings-- regardless of what "our best" may be cuz that's different for each person. Sister 구 is just starting out her mission, sister Arthur is in the middle, and i'm at the end. and our experiences, strengths and weaknesses are all different. But as we each stretched ourselves a bit more to fulfill our individual "bests," that's when unexpected blessings came in unexpected ways :) so cool. 

The second thing I pondered about while reflecting on this experience has to do with prayer. I read a talk by President Monson this past week in which he talked about something he learned while he was on an assignment in Tahiti. He was talking to the Mission President there, President Baudin, about the Tahitian sea captains. The mission president stated "They are amazing. The weather may be terrible, the vessels may be leaky, there may be no navigational aids except their inner feelings and the stars in the heavens, but they pray and they go." President Monson goes on to explain that no matter what we are doing or what we're facing, we should always pray and then go. As we were preparing to meet this sister, we didn't know much about her. But looking back, we subconsciously stuck to this idea of "pray and go"--which is what we have learned from our childhood in primary til now. and Heavenly Father led us to pray about what she needs and led us to the appointment. and the Spirit took care of everything else :) it was a neat experience :) maybe this week, we could find something that we each individually could "pray and go do" :)

Well, that's it for my second to last email yikes! time flies!
그리고 엄마 아빠 선교사업동안 늘 힘이되주시고 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다! 만날때까지 화이팅~^^

Sister Cho :)
pictures: missionaries at a zone activity, my trainer 박자매님 came to our stake conference! and a member dinner appointment :)

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